07-19 Day 10 (Amsterdam)

The day started in chaos


The mileage for today will not change due to this being a walking day.

Travel FromAmsterdam, the Netherlands
Intermediate LocationSightseeing 
Ending LocationAmsterdam, the Netherlands
Starting Odometer25,700
Ending Odometer25,700
Miles Driven Today0 Miles
Total Trip Mileage1157 Miles
New Countries visited Today 
Countries visited on tripUS, Canada, UK, The Netherlands

Searching for a power cord

With my laptop almost entirely inoperative, I started looking for options that would power the laptop, and get me back into operation. After searching the local stores, I decided that I’d tolerate being without a laptop for one more day, and I’d secure a power supply once I arrived in Dusseldorf.

Purchase tickets for two tours

With about 1 week to go before my departure from Indian Land, Kathy, Ralph’s neighbor let me know that the museum/house of Ann Frank books up quite a bit in advance, and when she checked for me, it became obvious that I would not be able to get tickets,. So, I opted for a few other tours.

For today’s activities, I figured I’d enjoy the walking tour of the city center, followed by a boat tour of the canals. I visited one of the many shops called “Tours and Tickets” and purchased both tickets.

Thinking back, thinking about Amsterdam

Here I am, walking around Amsterdam, as the clock approaches lunch time. I wanted to find a good lunch, but instead, I came upon a mcDonalds, and I thought back to the scene in Pulp Fiction, where the Big Mac, and the Quarter Pounder were discussed.

You’ll recall that, in the movie, they conclude that you could not purchase a quarter pounder, because the Dutch use the metric system. If you wanted a quarter pounder, you’d need to order the Grand Royal. Well, as it turns out, they don’t sell the Grand Royal any more, but since a Big Mac in the Netherlands, is the same as a Big Mac in America (Verified by John Travolta), I’d give it a try.

Yum, looks delicious, right?

The walking tour

Our guide Juan is a very knowledgeable and very enthusiastic guide. He took good care of us, and shared a great deal about the city. I’ve included a couple of videos of some of the stops along the way.

The Canal Tour

After finishing the walking tour, I had only about 3 minutes to make it to the starting point for the Canal tour. Canal tours are done using open boats, semi-enclosed boats, or enclosed boats. I’d chosen a exposed boat, hoping for good weather, and I was rewarded with a tour in the sunlight, without rain or any inclement weather.

The tour takes about 1 hour, and over the course of the tour, you hear how each canal represents a different level of affluence and influence, and while the wealthy inhabitants were not separated from the lower income inhabitants, the cost of owning one of the most prominent buildings would be a strong enough deterrent to keep the roles separated.

The video below is a compilation of many of the interesting homes along the canals in Amsterdam.

What will tomorrow bring

Well, since I’m writing this post after everything has already happened, it’s a bit anticlimactic, but let’s play along.

Tomorrow, I’ll get up early, get a healthy breakfast, and then jump on the bike, and head for the Bridge Too Far, located in Arnhem, Netherlands. I’ll continue to head to Germany, and arrive in Dusseldorf by about noon or so.

About the Author

Cliff Musante

Cliff Musante is a technologist, business leader, motorcycle enthusiast, father, grandfather, and more. In June, 2013 his passion for motorcycles was revitalized, and he set out to ride across Patagonia. Since then, he's logged thousands of miles, ridden across the US, and on July 10, 2019, he began a 120 day trip through Europe, and then on to Russia, China, and parts East. This 'Blog is the story of all of his adventures.