It’s someone’s birthday
Date | – | 9/23/2019 |
Travel From | – | Hami, China |
Intermediate Location | – | |
Ending Location | – | Dun Hunang |
Starting Odometer | – | 34,620 |
Ending Odometer | – | 34,880 |
Miles Driven Today | – | 260 Miles |
Total Trip Mileage | – | 10337 Miles |
Countries visited Today | – | |
Countries visited on trip | US, Canada, UK, The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Finland, Estonia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China |
Martin’s birthday
Martin Strasser had a 62nd birthday today, and so we celebrated with a cake in the lobby at the end of the ride. How the Edelweiss guys managed to buy a cake, without anyone knowing is beyond me. But, it was nice to celebrate, and to once again have a chance to sing the famous “Happy Birthday” song.
- Statistically, there are 12 of us on the ride, and that means we’ll have one birthday for every 30 days of riding. So, by my calculations, we are still due .45 birthdays. Because it’s impossible to have a partial birthday, we’ll either have a little extra, or we’ll miss one completely.
Special dinner at the night market
Dun Huang is one of those special cities that has a booming nightlife, and a night market. The night market is a block long street, which features a number of restaurants on one end, with shops and vendors at the other end.
As you enter the market, you come upon many folks, who are like carnival barkers. They start to yell “Come, Come” to you, trying to entice you to have dinner at their place.
As you enter the market, the smells of grilled meat are evident, and wonderful. In fact, you can get just about any kind of meet that you might like to sample. Here’s a perfect example…

We ordered a smattering of a number of different meats, including but not limited to the following…
- Camel Liver
- Goat Liver
- Goat Meat
- Sheep Stomach
- Beef
- Mutton / Sheep
- Chicken Liver
Below, you’ll see another one of the dishes, I believe this one is mutton.

And, for sure, no feast at a night market would be complete without beer. So, we ordered lots of beer. You’ll see a big carath that holds the beer in the picture below. Imagine that we ordered 2 more of these things. Yikes, what will we feel like in the morning?

Now what?
Well, when dinner was over, I grabbed a cab, and headed back to the hotel. I think that I was back at the hotel by 10 PM, or so.
Report from the road
What will tomorrow bring?
Well, I was unable to find a chiropractor in this city, but we did manage to find an acupuncturist, and we’re headed there in the morning. Stephan and I will visit a clinic, and see if we can get some releif for our ailing backs.
In addition, there are several activities which we can enjoy. First, there will be a trip to the caves nearby, scheduled for the morning. Second, if you’d like, you can visit the dunes, and perhaps enjoy a camel ride, and third, there is a special pageant that tells the story of the dessert, the dunes, and how this area first was discovered. More on all of this, tomorrow.