09-29 Day 81 (Gangu, China arrival)

Nothing much happened today


Travel FromLinxia
Intermediate Location 
Ending LocationGangu
Starting Odometer35,736
Ending Odometer35,922
Miles Driven Today186 Miles
Total Trip Mileage11379 Miles
Countries visited Today 
Countries visited on trip US, Canada, UK, The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Finland, Estonia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China

Note for the record: This post is being written on November 9th, a considerable amount of time after we performed this ride. Often times, I’ve captured notes, and have numerous video files and still pictures from which I can recreate the activities of the day.

But, today, I had taken almost no notes, the video from the K2 Bike Camera is blurry, due to a dirty lens, and I don’t have any still photos.

So, I’ll publish this post, as is, with very little content.

About the Author

Cliff Musante

Cliff Musante is a technologist, business leader, motorcycle enthusiast, father, grandfather, and more. In June, 2013 his passion for motorcycles was revitalized, and he set out to ride across Patagonia. Since then, he's logged thousands of miles, ridden across the US, and on July 10, 2019, he began a 120 day trip through Europe, and then on to Russia, China, and parts East. This 'Blog is the story of all of his adventures.